Join our community. Sell at the market.
How to Sell at the Market
(Farmer, Baker, Food Artisan)
Step 1
Make sure you are eligible to vend with us. Read below.
Step 2
Get certified and approved. The process depends on what you sell.
Step 3.
Get in touch with the Market Manager to confirm you are all set.
Step 4
Become a member to get all kinds of great benefits including rent discounts.
Step 5
Schedule your dates and booth location with the market manager.
Farms and ranches must be certified by an agent from the Davidson County Cooperative Extension Service. This certification ensures that our farmers are growing their produce, animals, and items locally in Davidson or a surrounding county. Contact extension agent Sam Boring at stboring@ncsu.edu or 336.242.2091. If you live outside Davidson County, your county's extension agent may perform the certification and give a copy to Davidson County's agent.
Most everything produced by local growers can be sold including vegetables, fruits, plants, eggs, meats, honey, cut or dried flowers, and firewood.
To sell at the Market, you must grow 50% of what you sell from May 1 - June 15, 100% of what you sell from June 16 - September 1, and 50% from September 2 - Closing. During the 50% time, products acquired from other farms must still come from Davidson County or counties adjoining Davidson County and must be labeled as such. Any exceptions (e.g., NC mountain apples or coastal peaches) must be approved in advance by the board of directors.
All products produced under certification such as organic, licensed meat, poultry, or dairy products or products requiring kitchen inspection, such as baked goods or preserves, must display certification or license and have a copy on file with the market manager.
Once your Farm Certification is approved, this form will be shared with the Market Manager. We must have the certification before the first day you vend at the Farmers Market. Contact Co-Market Manager Selah Bolllinger when you are all set at selah@davidsoncountyfood.com or 336-223-4640, ext. 2.
Farmers and Ranchers
Producers of baked goods and jarred preserves do not require Cooperative Extension certification but must operate out of a certified home-based kitchen approved by the NC Department of Agriculture.
Baked goods, preserves, pickles, relishes, jams and jellies made by the seller in an approved kitchen may be sold at the market. However, no low-acid canned foods such as green beans, corn, peas, carrots, etc. may be sold. In addition, no canned tomato products may be sold.
Bakers and Other Food Artisans
If you are selling farm items you grew, you do not need NC Department of Revenue Sales and Use Tax certification. Vendors offering value-added products (e.g. baked goods, jams & jellies, crafts) or produce they have purchased for resale must be registered with the NC Department of Revenue, and their DOR certificate must be displayed in their market stall.